David Snodgrass

BSc(Hons), BArch, ARB

David studied architecture at Queens University Belfast.  After graduating in 2003 he joined McCormick Tracey Mullarkey having previously worked in Belfast.

Following the formation of Mullarkey Pedersen Architects David became an Associate in 2007. 

David is an accredited Passive House Designer, recently completing work on South West College, Erne Campus; the largest building in the world to achieve the Passive House Premium Standard.

David has specialist skills in low carbon sustainable design and has extensive experience with a number of procurement and contract types including Traditional / JCT and Design & Build / NEC.  He has developed a wide range of experience in commercial, ecclesiastical, educational and residential projects, running multi-million pound projects.

David is responsible for primary assistance to the MPA partners.


Contact David : drs@mparchitects.net